Watermark Projects are currently looking for the distributors/consultants to list the following products:
Watermark Projects design, manufacture, install and commission a wide range of DAF systems from as low as our Model 6 which can effectively treat between 3,000-9,000 Litres of wastewater per hour through to bespoke systems capable of treating over 100 Litres per hour.
An ideal distributor/consultant for this product will already have a portfolio of customers with wastewater treatment requirements who could benefit from a DAF system. You will have the option to utilise Watermark Projects as a sub-contractor or benefit from our ‘Referral Scheme’ which will entitle you to up to 5% of the final sale price of the DAF system which can range from £60,000.00 up to £500,000.00+!
For further information contact mark@watermarkprojects.co.uk
Watermark Projects have recently expanded our product range include the WMP range of Solenoid Dosing Pumps. Our initial intention was to incorporate our own branded dosing pumps into our treatment systems (primarily to save cost and increase brand awareness). Since then we have added these to our product range as off the shelf products (7 models within the range catering for flows anywhere from 1-20 Litres per hour).
The WMP range is available on our website at £469.00 (+VAT) which includes free UK mainland delivery. However, as a distributor you will receive up to 30% off this price (which will allow you to benefit up to £140.00 on each sale). Distributors will not be required to hold a stock of the pumps as we will send these directly to the customer (this means no initial cost to yourself, you will simply achieve the sale and pass us the customers details for delivery).
This product would be ideal for a distributor with an online shop where they can list the pumps, chemical distributors with existing customers and general pipework fittings companies.
For further information or to request a sample of one of the pumps contact mark@watermarkprojects.co.uk