2024 – A Year In Review

2024 marked another successful year for The WA Cooke Group, with our 3 divisions delivering a wide range of engineering projects across the UK.

As a group, we held a number of events including our annual summer bowls back in June, which saw staff across our 3 divisions and 2 sites come together for the day. August sadly saw the retirement of our Site Services Director Jeremy Cooke, who retired after 45 years with the company. However, our continued growth saw our team increase by almost 10% over the year, including new fabricators & welders joining both our Manchester & Ely sites, mechanical fitters for our site installation teams and new sales & administration staff supporting from our head office.

Engineers have been continuously busy throughout the year, fabricating high volumes of mild steel platforms and access steelwork as well as full & half-bridge scrapers for the water treatment industry. They have also been fabricating 18m long wind turbine masts in addition to a variety of bespoke engineering projects.

Site Services have seen continuous call for on-site engineering support, largely working within the water treatment industry with projects ranging from the installation of bridge scrapers and tracks to the servicing and repair of screens, gearboxes, drive motors and other equipment. The team have also delivered multiple Lamella and Flocculation tank projects along with the supporting access steelwork which was fabricated in-house by our partner division The WA Cooke Group – Engineers.

Watermark Projects has achieved a record year delivering the highest number of complete industrial effluent treatment plants to date, helping more clients effectively treat their industrial wastewater prior to discharge. This year saw the manufacture, installation, and commissioning of multiple Model 6 & Model 10 skid-mounted Dissolved Air Flotation units as well as other Watermark Projects associated equipment across the UK.  The team also manufactured, installed & commissioned a bespoke 50,000 litre per hour DAF unit, requiring a redesign of our existing 50m3 system, to suit specific site requirements. You can view the full project below.


We would like to thank our suppliers and customers alike for their continued support and we look forward to working with you all throughout 2025 which marks 99 years since the group was founded, almost a century of delivering high-quality engineering across the UK!

The WA Cooke Group | A Year In Review 2024

Contact us:

01204 574 721
