“Our waters are filled with sewage”
“Those who made the mess should do their bit to clean it up”
“That’s why we’re strengthening the powers of the water regulator and backing tough fines on water companies that have let sewage flood our rivers, lakes, and seas.”
Strong words from the Prime Minister on Tuesday. It indicates further pressure will be applied on local water authorities to improve their treatment facilities & processes in a bid to significantly reduce environmental breaches. In the past, this has resulted in an increased burden on companies within their areas who discharge their wastewater to sewer. The result of this could involve tighter trade effluent consent limits & increased discharge costs. The prime minister’s speech can be used as a forewarning for companies to get ahead of their wastewater issues and to avoid potential fines by exploring more robust wastewater treatment processes.
As a turn-key provider of wastewater treatment solutions, Watermark Projects are able to support our clients from initial specification and design through to manufacture, installation and ongoing support.
We offer a 100% free of charge process review including a site visit and wastewater sample analysis to determine optimum treatment methods and potential removal rates of contaminants such as COD, Suspended Solids and Fats, Oils & Greases.
To find out how these processes can be implemented at your site, contact the Watermark Projects team;
01204 574 721